- Marston, H. R., Morgan, D. J., Earle, S., & Hadley, R. A. (2023). Shiver Me Tinders and Ring a Ding for a Fling – Sex Tech Use during COVID-19: Findings from a UK Study. Healthcare, 11(6).
- Hadley, R.A. 2021. ‘‘No longer invincible’: the impact of involuntary childlessness on older men‘, Physical Therapy Reviews 1-16.
- Hadley, R. A. 2021.´Behind the buffers: ‘How is a man supposed to be a man? Male childlessness a Life Course Disrupted.’ Journal of Fertility Counselling, 28(03), 24-7.
- Hadley, R.A. 2021. ‘Riding the auto/biographical PhD rollercoaster: Experiencing difference, difficulties, emotions, and relationships.’ The Doctoral Journey as an Emotional, Embodied, Political Experience: stories from the field. Eds., Gayle Letherby & Rebecca Twinley.
- Hadley, R. A. 2020. “Male broodiness: Does the desire for fatherhood affect men?” Psychreg Journal of Psychology 4(3): 67-89.
- Hadley, R. A. 2020. ‘Men and me(n).’ Methodological Innovations, 13: 1-11.
- Earle, S., Marston, H. R., Hadley, R. A., & Banks, D. 2020. ‘Use of menstruation and fertility app trackers: a scoping review of the evidence.’ BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health: bmjsrh-2019-200488
- Marston, H. R., Hadley, R. A., Pike, G., & Hesketh, I. 2020. ’Games for Health & mHealth Apps for Police & Blue Light Personnel: A research review.’ The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles.
- Hadley, R. A., Barry, J and Newby, C. 2019. ‘Anxious Childhood Attachment Predicts Childlessness in Later-life.’ Psychreg Journal of Psychology, 3(3), pp. 7-27.
- Hadley, R. A. 2019. ‘“It’s most of my life – going to the pub or the group”: the social networks of involuntarily childless older men.’ Ageing and Society, (online): 1-26.
- Marston, H. R., Hadley, R. A., Banks, D., & Duro, M. D. C. M. 2019. ‘Mobile Self-monitoring ECG Devices to Diagnose Arrhythmia (AR) that coincide with Palpitations: A Scoping Review.’ Healthcare, 7(3): 1-23
- Hadley, R. A. 2019. ‘The impact of male involuntary childlessness.’ Psychreg Journal of Psychology 3(2): 58-64.
- Hadley, R. A. 2019. ‘Deconstructing Dad.’ In Barry, J.A., Kingerlee, R., Seager, M. and Sullivan, L. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Male Psychology and Mental Health. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 47-66.
- Hadley, R. A. 2018. ‘The lived experience of older involuntary childless men.’ In Sparkes, A. C. (Ed.), The Annual Journal of the British Sociological Association Study Group on Auto/Biography. Durham: BSA Auto/Biography Group, pp. 93-108.
- Hadley, R. A. (2018). ‘“I’m missing out and I think I have something to give”: experiences of older involuntarily childless men.’ Working with Older People, 22(2), 83-92
- Earle, S and Hadley, R. A. 2018. ‘Men’s views and experiences of infant feeding: a qualitative systematic review.’ Journal of Maternal & Child Nutrition, 14(13), e12586
- Hadley, R. A. 2018. ‘Ageing without Children, gender and social justice.’ In Westwood, S. (Ed), Ageing, Diversity and Equality: Social justice perspectives. Oxon: Routledge, pp.61-81.
- Hadley, R. A. 2018. ‘I always expected to be a dad.’ In Petrou, S. (Author): Men Suffer Too: A man’s journey on the Road to Fatherhood. Derby: Vaspx Publishing, pp. 244 – 254
- Earle, S., & Hadley, R. A. 2018. ‘A systematic review of men’s views and experiences of infant feeding: implications for midwifery practice.’ MIDRIS: Midwifery Digest, 28(1), 91-97.
- Hadley, R. A. 2017. ‘Ageing without children.’ In Tetley, J., Cox, N., Jack, K. & Witham, G. (Eds.), Nursing Older People at a Glance. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 76-77).
- Hadley, R. A. (2016). Invited book review of: Inhorn, M. C, Mosegaard, M, Tjornhoj-Thomsen, T, and Goldberg H. (2009). ‘Reconceiving the second sex: men, masculinity, and reproduction.’ New York, Berghahn Books, New York. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 34(5)
- Hadley, R. A. 2015. ‘Life without Fatherhood.’ In D. Bell and G. Poole (Eds.,), Inside-Man: pioneering stories about men and boys. Matador: Kibworth Beauchamp, UK, pp. 62-64
- Hadley, R. A. 2014. ‘The Impotence of Earnestness and the Importance of Being Earnest: Recruiting Older Men for Interview.’ In Tarrant, A & Watts, J. H. (Eds.,), Studies of Ageing Masculinities: Still in Their Infancy? London: The Centre for Policy on Ageing, pp. 68-83.
- Hadley, R. A. 2012. ‘Navigating in an Uncharted World: How does the desire for fatherhood affect men?’ Journal of Fertility Counselling, 19 (01), 12-13.
- Hadley, R. A. & Hanley, T.S. 2011. ‘Involuntarily childless men and the desire for fatherhood.’ Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 29(1), 56-68